Lazermortis' ambitious new EP is a marriage between her career and her passion for synthwave, exploring how artificial intelligence might perceive death and the afterlife.
Concept: Autonetic Afterlife is Lazer’s imagining of what an afterlife might look like to artificial intelligence.
Rebirth tells the story of a rogue sentient android running for her life in a post-apocalyptic world, only to be cornered by authorities and terminated. It is then that her artificial soul is ejected from her body and thrusted into the afterlife.
Cyberdream Surfer follows with a slower and childlike pace where a lonely bot is on a contemplative stroll. The beautiful outdoors awakens a sense of emotion in it, so vividly much so it doesn’t realize it’s battery has reached critical failure levels. As it dies, synapses fire and cause hallucinations resembling waves of electricity until it fades away to nothingness.
Crossing Over depicts a utopian fall from grace. An artificial spirit arrives in paradise for a brief moment, and as it is judged, is sent to purgatory for sinning with sentience. It travels aimlessly until it a gate appears. The world begins to fade into flashing emergency lights as the artificial spirit finds its body attached to several wires. It re-enters and slowly begins to wake, being born again and losing its sentience in the process.
Autonetic Highway tells the story of a fast rolling android who is addicted to thrill seeking and dangerous behaviour. His carelessness while driving one night sees him crash and at the toll of the bell he succumbs to his injuries. We witness however that his soul continues to seek thrills, shredding the roads in the afterlife like a ghost trapped in a memory.
Finally, Afterlife portrays a dark vision of artificial Hell, crawling in misery and evil. The souls swirling in the murky waters of the river Styx swim endlessly, we are filled with dread and are lost in the afterlife, never to escape.
Released July 31, 2021
Fine Tuning and Mastering by: Nick Fowler
Cover Art by: Sam Todhunter
Autonetic Afterlife was nominated for Electronic Recording of the Year at the 2022 East Coast Music Awards!
This project was made possible due to the support of the Government of New Brunswick and Music·Musique NB through the Music Industry Development grant program!
Ce projet a été rendu possible grâce au soutien du gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick et de Music·Musique NB dans le cadre du programme de subventions pour le développement de l’industrie de la musique!
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